Saturday, February 20, 2010

why i hate the winter olympics

The winter Olympics take over NBC every 4 years. It forces Al Roker to freeze his butt off for two full weeks, and for what? So we can watch a guy lie on a board next to other people on a board and see who gets to the bottom first? I can do that at any hill with snow on it.

The Winter Olympics are just glorified hobbies with people competing against the only other people who even tried to do what they do. Don’t understand my point? Well let me ask you this: Have you ever luged? Or Curled? Or bobsledded? Most likely you have not, because all of the people who have tried these things are currently competing in the Olympics and can’t read this blog.

They are the only ones who ever tried these events, and that is why they are Olympians. The field of competitors is so small that of course they are going to be the best.Everyone knows if they can run a 100yd dash fast. Or swim across a pool fast-Because everyone has tried it. Which is why I can relate to the summer Olympics. Because I know for a fact I can’t do any of the things that the people do in the summer Olympics. (With the exclusion of the coxswain of a rowing team, I mean seriously...his only job is to say "Row" over and over) Seen here on far right:

Give me a week and the proper equipment and I could be an Olympic caliber curler. I mean, I’ve swept my fair share of kitchens, I think that gives me an edge. Give me a steep hill and a greased up trash can lid and I could give those lugers a run for their money. However I do give credit to the tandem luge teams. Anyone that is willing to dress up in skin-tight, florescent colored, body suits and lay on top of their partner with nothing between them and a manmade hill but an inch of fiberglass, is an athlete in my book.

With all of that being said, how about add some events we can all relate to?

-Snowman building: Judges grade by size, cuteness, and speed of it being built.

-Walking on ice- Athletes must wear street clothes, carry a coffee, and be in a rush-First to get across without falling, or spilling coffee wins.

-Window Defrosting- Must scrape windows, and defrost them. First to back out of parking spot in a crowded lot, wins.

-Snowball fight- Simple. Make, and throw as many snowballs at your enemy in allotted time.

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